Effect of Promoters on the Catalytic Performance and Properties of Ultrafine CuO ZnO SiO 2 Catalyst for Hydrogenation of CO 2
中文关键词:  助剂,超细CuO-ZnO-SiO2催化剂,CO2加氢
英文关键词:Promoter, Ultrafine CuO ZnO SiO 2 catalyst, CO 2 hydrogenation
迟亚武  梁东白  杜鸿章  徐长海  林培滋  罗洪原  林励吾
摘要点击次数: 1277
全文下载次数: 13
      Hydrogenation of CO 2 were carried out over ultrafine CuO ZnO SiO 2 catalysts containing various promoters (BaO, K 2O, Al 2O 3, Na 2O, La 2O 3, Li 2O, TiO 2, MgO, CeO 2) prepared by alkoxide method and these catalysts were investigated by XRD and TPR (Temperature programmed reduction) techniques. Our studies showed that addition of promoters affected the activities and properties of ultrafine CuO ZnO SiO 2 catalysts, and TiO 2, CeO 2, MgO and La 2O 3 were favorable promoters for methanol synthesis from the hydrogenation of CO 2. In all catalyst systems, both CuO and ZnO exhibited crystalline patterns with similar intensity, and only a trace amount of CeO 2 was also detected, but other promoters could not be detected by XRD, which maybe existed in microcrystalline or amorphous state. Addtion of the above promoters except CeO 2 all caused increase of the reduction temperatures of ultrafine CuO ZnO SiO 2 catalysts. Possible relationship between activity and reduction temperature was discussed.
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