纪敏,毕颖丽,甄开吉,吴越.甲烷与二氧化碳重整制取合成气反应的研究 (I)Sr_(1-x)La_xNiAl_(11)O_(19)催化活性表征[J].分子催化,1998,(4):
甲烷与二氧化碳重整制取合成气反应的研究 (I)Sr_(1-x)La_xNiAl_(11)O_(19)催化活性表征
Study of Methane Reforming with Carbon Dioxide to Synthesis Gas (II) Characterization of Catalytic Activity of Sr 1- x La x NiAl 11 O 19
中文关键词:  镍,镧锶六铝酸盐,甲烷与二氧化碳催化重整,合成气
英文关键词:Nickel, Lanthanum strontium hexaaluminate, Catalytic methane reforming with carbon dioxide, Synges
纪敏  毕颖丽  甄开吉  吴越
摘要点击次数: 1202
全文下载次数: 12
      In this paper, the catalytic activity, coking amount and stability of Sr 1- x La x NiAl 11 O 19 for methane reforming with carbon dioxide were inverstigated. It was found that the metallic nickel was active species for this reaction, the conversions of CH 4 and CO 2 increase with increasing amount of metallic nickel in catalysts. While there is a similar content of nickel in catalysts, the partial substitution of Sr 2+ by La 3+ shows unremarkable effect on the catalytic activity for reforming reaction due to the similar dispersion of Ni. Whereas, such substitution has great effect on the acidity of catalyst, and the number of acidic sites and amount of carbon deposition on the catalyst decrease with the increase of La 3+ content. So it is evident that carbon deposition in carbon dioxide reforming of methane can be suppressed by decreasing the acidity of the catalyst. In addition, LaNiAl 11 O 19 with a high catalytic activity, good stability and excellent resistance to carbon deposition is the best in the series of Sr 1- x La x NiAl 11 O 19 catalysts.
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