Methane and Ethane Aromatization without Using Oxidant over Supported Mo Catalysts
中文关键词:  甲烷 乙烷 无氧芳构化 钼基 催化剂 芳构化
英文关键词:Methane, Ethane, Aromatization without using oxidant, Supported Mo catalysts, Reduction, Induction Period
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      Methane and ethane aromatization without using oxidant over various supported Mo catalysts has been studied. Among all the used supporters (Al 2O 3, SiO 2, HZSM 5), HZSM 5 is the best one. For methane reaction, Mo/HZSM 5 catalyst shows higher reactivity and aromatics selectivity than Mo/Al 2O 3 or Mo/SiO 2 catalysts. For ethane reaction, however, the existence of molybdenum species is favorable for production of methane ( over Mo/HZSM 5 or Mo/SiO 2 ) or ethene (over Mo/Al 2O 3 ), which results in lower aromatics selectivity. The good cracking ability of molybdenum species may be responsible for the activation of methane. It is found that all the reactions using methane as reactant show induction period prior to the initiation of benzene formation, while those using ethane as reactant do not do so. TPSR results show that there is doublet structure on the corresponding curves of CO 2 and H 2O for methane reaction, which demonstrates the step reduction of molybdenum species. As for ethane reaction, however, there is no such phenomenon. Therefor, we suggest that induction period of methane reaction ( prior to the initiation of benzene formation) should be related to the reduction of molybdenum species.
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