Benzylideneacetone Hydrogenation with WaterSoluble RuTPPTS Complexes in the Biphasic Catalytic System
中文关键词:  选择加氢 催化剂 钌 膦 苯基丁烯酮 苄叉丙酮
英文关键词:Watersoluble ruthenium complexes,Benzylideneacetone,Catalytic selective hydrogenation,Biphasic catalytic system,
胡家元  田金忠
[1]四川大学化学系有机金属络合催化研究所 [2]香港城市大学生物及化学系
摘要点击次数: 1521
全文下载次数: 14
      The catalytic performance of two catalyst precursors, RuCl3TPPTS and RuCl2\|(TPPTS)3 (TPPTS: P(mC6H4SO3Na)3) for selective hydrogenation of carboncarbon double bond in benzylideneacetone were studied in biphasic catalytic system(aqueous/organic phase). The results show that the activity and selectivity of the catalytic species derived from ruthenium complex RuCl2 (TPPTS)3 is higher than that formed in situ from RuCl3 and TPPTS. The addition of surfactant CTAB (cetyltrimethylammonium bromide) decreases the hydrogenation activity of catalyst in the biphasic catalytic system, but the selectivity for \{carboncarbon\} double bond hydrogenation increases to 98%. This is attributed to the steric effect of micelle formation, because the hydrogenated position is in the middle of the substrate molecule. In the absence of CTAB conversion of substrate and selectivity for benzylacetone are 70% and 94%, respectively. The change of / (molar ratio) has an obvious influence on the catalytic activity. The maxim um activity is obtained at / =3, while Ru is reduced sufficiently to RuI by TPPTS, which was favorable for the formation of catalytic active species. When the ]/ ratio increases further, the competitive coordination of TPPTS with substrate molecule on Ru complex causes the decrease of hydrogenation rate.
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