A DFT Study on the Adsorption of Methanol on the Ru (0001) Surface
投稿时间:2005-04-12  修订日期:2005-06-09
中文关键词:  甲醇,密度泛函理论(DFT),Ru(0001)面
英文关键词:Methanol,Density functional theory(DFT),Ru(0001) surface
刘书红  陈文凯  曹梅娟  许莹  邓昭浦
福州大学化学系 福建福州350002(刘书红,陈文凯,曹梅娟,许莹)
,浙江平阳县质量检验检测所 浙江平阳325400(邓昭浦)
摘要点击次数: 939
全文下载次数: 20
      采用密度泛函理论(DFT)的B3LYP方法,以原子簇Ru15为模拟表面,对甲醇在理想的Ru(0001)面三种吸附位置(top,fcc,hcp)的吸附模型进行了几何构型优化,能量计算,Mu lliken布局分析以及振动频率计算,结果表明顶位为最有利的吸附位.这些变化与实验观察到的甲醇在过渡金属表面解离的结果相一致.同时通过对吸附过程的分析推测其可能的解离途径.
      The density functional theory(DFT) based hybrid-method B3LYP has been used to study the interaction of the methanol molecule(CH_(3)OH) with the Ru(0001) surface.The perfect Ru(0001) surface has been represented by a cluster model,Ru(10,5),that was used to extract information about the preferred adsorption geometry and energy of CH_(3)OH species.Three typical adsorption sites,top,hcp and fcc sites,were investigated theoretically.The computed results show that the top site is the preferred adsorption site.The computed geometry for adsorbed CH_(3)OH agree with the structure proposed from previous experimental work about CH_(3)OH adsorbed on the transfer metal surfaces.
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