Advances in the Amino Acid Oxidase-catalyzed Synthesis of Non-natural Chiral Amino Acids
投稿时间:2015-05-19  修订日期:2015-06-06
中文关键词:  D-氨基酸氧化酶,L-氨基酸氧化酶,动力学拆分,去消旋化,非天然手性氨基酸
英文关键词:D-amino acid oxidase  L-amino acid oxidase  kinetic resolution  deracemization  non-natural chiral amino acid
夏仕文* 重庆邮电大学生物信息学院 xiasw@cqupt.edu.cn 
摘要点击次数: 2004
全文下载次数: 4240
      Amino acid oxidase (AAO) is a flavoenzyme containing flavin adenine dinucleotide(FAD),which catalyzes the stereospecific dehydrogenation of α-amino acid to α-imino acid intermediate,along with the reduction of molecular oxygen to hydrogen peroxide. α-imino acid is hydrolyzed to α-keto acid and ammonia spontaneously. According to the substrate specificity, Amino acid oxidases are classfied into L-, and D-amino acid oxidase which catalyze the oxidative dehydrogenation of L-, and D-amino acid respectively. The simultaneous synthesis of non-natural chiral amino acid and α-keto acid is realized through the amino acid oxidase-catalyzed kinetic resolution of DL-amino acid. The combination system of the enantioselective, Enantiocomplementary L- and D-amino acid oxidase with chemical reductants or other enzymes such as amino acid dehydrogenase and transaminase enables to realize the effective deracemization of DL-amino acid and the production of enantiopure non-natural chiral amino acids in a high yield. This article reviewed the research progress in the amino acid oxidase-catalyzed synthesis of non-natural chiral amino acids and expected the future development trend.
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