Reading the Map of Government Offices in the Imperial Palace from the Kangxi period (Part 3)
投稿时间:2020-11-08  修订日期:2021-01-13
中文关键词:  《皇城宫殿衙署图》  乾隆京城全图  太子宫  毓庆宫  乾清宫
英文关键词:Huangcheng gongdian yashu tu (Map of government offices in the imperial palace  Qianlong jingcheng quantu (Complete map of Peking from the Qianlong period)  Taizi Palace  Yuqing Palace  Qianqing Palace
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全文下载次数: 553
      康熙八年(1669)《皇城宫殿衙署图》是现知最早的有关古都北京皇城建筑布局的皇家舆图。1934 年刘敦桢先生在国立北平图书馆获见该图,惊叹为推求北京皇城宫苑明清交替之状不可或缺的稀有秘笈。旋因避祸战乱,该图自 1935 年 11 月后历尽坎坷,辗转流徙,直到 2008 年方现身台北故宫博物院展览,学界长期无缘利用,滞碍了相关研究。2013 年天津大学幸获高仿复制版,大量细节得以认知。为裨益学术,便于利用,本文综罗相关文献,谨以发现、流转、诠读、歧见、新识诸项,概略归纳有关该图的研究心得,奉呈并叩教方家。
      The Huangcheng gongdian yashu tu (Map of government offices in the imperial palace) produced in 1669 during the Kangxi period is the earliest known imperially commissioned map that depicts the architectural layout of the imperial palace in the historical capital of Beijing. In 1934, when Liu Dunzhen found it in the (Peking) National Library of China, he noticed that the map was a valuable, rare resource of information about the transition in architectural layout from the Ming dynasty to the Qing dynasty. However, since November 1935, the map was moved several times from one place to another due to the Second World War and war-related events, until it reappeared in an exhibition of the Palace Museum in Taipei in 2008. In 2013, it was finally possible to launch a comprehensive study of the map, because Tianjin University received a high-quality replica showing many details. In order to promote future research, this paper introduces and interprets the fifindings of previous studies (discussing issues of discovery, circulation, and different interpretation theories) and suggests a new approach to the understanding of the map.
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